There's a little known crate gensym that can generate unique UUID names and pass them as the first argument to a macro, followed by a comma:
macro_rules! gen_fn {
($a:ty, $b:ty) => {
gensym::gensym!{ _gen_fn!{ $a, $b } }
macro_rules! _gen_fn {
($gensym:ident, $a:ty, $b:ty) => {
fn $gensym(a: $a, b: $b) {
mod test {
gen_fn!{ u64, u64 }
gen_fn!{ u64, u64 }
If all you need is a unique name, and you don't care what it is, that can be useful. I used it to solve a problem where each invocation of a macro needed to create a unique static to hold a singleton struct. I couldn't use paste, since I didn't have unique identifiers I could paste together in the first place.