I have a db that's structured with a supertype table as well as subtype tables like so:
PatientId INTEGER,
DateTime TEXT,
EventTypeCode TEXT,
PRIMARY KEY( PatientId, DateTime, EventTypeCode )
different types of events have their own tables and have the same primary key, except that it's foreign.
PatientId INTEGER,
DateTime TEXT,
EventTypeCode TEXT,
PRIMARY KEY( PatientId, DateTime, EventTypeCode ) ON CONFLICT IGNORE,
CONSTRAINT "PrimaryKey" FOREIGN KEY ("PatientId", "EventTypeCode", "DateTime") REFERENCES "Event" ("PatientId", "EventTypeCode", "DateTime") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE
When I try to delete an entry in Event, I get a foreign key mismatch and when I delete it in Exercise it deletes, but only in Exercise.. it does not cascade. What do I need to do to get the cascade to work properly? I would prefer to delete the entry in Event and have it cascade to Exercise.. which from the examples I've seen seems like how it should work...