I have done some investigations of class scanning approaches, using answers from StackOverflow. So I gather all it together, using a Hibernate entities scanning as a test, in the one test project: hibernate-scanners-test.
Using fluent-hibernate
If you are looking for a quick scanning approach without additional dependencies, you can try fluent-hibernate library (you will not need to have other jars, except the library).
Apart this, it has some useful features for Hibernate 5 and Hibernate 4, including entities scanning, a Hibernate 5 implicit naming strategy, a nested transformer and others.
Just download the library from the project page: fluent-hibernate and use EntityScanner:
For Hibernate 4 and Hibernate 5:
Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
EntityScanner.scanPackages("my.com.entities", "my.com.other.entities")
SessionFactory sessionFactory = configuration.buildSessionFactory();
Using a new Hibernate 5 bootstrapping API:
List<Class<?>> classes = EntityScanner
.scanPackages("my.com.entities", "my.com.other.entities").result();
MetadataSources metadataSources = new MetadataSources();
for (Class<?> annotatedClass : classes) {
SessionFactory sessionFactory = metadataSources.buildMetadata()
<mapping package="com.fooPackage/>
entry is for configuring meta-data defined on the package itself, not for classes in that package. – Maze