In pandas data frame, I am using the following code to plot histogram of a column:
my_df.hist(column = 'field_1')
Is there something that can achieve the same goal in pyspark data frame? (I am in Jupyter Notebook) Thanks!
In pandas data frame, I am using the following code to plot histogram of a column:
my_df.hist(column = 'field_1')
Is there something that can achieve the same goal in pyspark data frame? (I am in Jupyter Notebook) Thanks!
Unfortunately I don't think that there's a clean plot()
or hist()
function in the PySpark Dataframes API, but I'm hoping that things will eventually go in that direction.
For the time being, you could compute the histogram in Spark, and plot the computed histogram as a bar chart. Example:
import pandas as pd
import pyspark.sql as sparksql
# Let's use UCLA's college admission dataset
file_name = ""
# Creating a pandas dataframe from Sample Data
df_pd = pd.read_csv(file_name)
sql_context = sparksql.SQLcontext(sc)
# Creating a Spark DataFrame from a pandas dataframe
df_spark = sql_context.createDataFrame(df_pd)
This is what the data looks like:
Out[]: +-----+---+----+----+
|admit|gre| gpa|rank|
| 0|380|3.61| 3|
| 1|660|3.67| 3|
| 1|800| 4.0| 1|
| 1|640|3.19| 4|
| 0|520|2.93| 4|
only showing top 5 rows
# This is what we want
Histogram when plotted in using df_pandas.hist()
# Doing the heavy lifting in Spark. We could leverage the `histogram` function from the RDD api
gre_histogram ='gre').rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x).histogram(11)
# Loading the Computed Histogram into a Pandas Dataframe for plotting
columns=['bin', 'frequency']
and have no experience with RDDs. Why is it necessary to apply flatMap()
here? –
Jongjongleur You can now use the pyspark_dist_explore package to leverage the matplotlib hist function for Spark DataFrames:
from pyspark_dist_explore import hist
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
hist(ax,'field_1'), bins = 20, color=['red'])
This library uses the rdd histogram function to calculate bin values.
at the end –
Schmeltzer Another solution, without the need for extra imports, which should also be efficient; First, use window partition:
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
import pyspark.sql as SQL
win = SQL.Window.partitionBy('column_of_values')
Then all you need it to use count aggregation partitioned by the window:'column_of_values').over(win).alias('histogram'))
The aggregative operators happens on each partition of the cluster, and does not require an extra round-trip to the host.
needs a partition for a group by or something, you can't make histogram bins on the fly using this. –
Enchanter The histogram
method for RDDs returns the bin ranges and the bin counts. Here's a function that takes this histogram data and plots it as a histogram.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as mplt
import matplotlib.ticker as mtick
def plotHistogramData(data):
binSides, binCounts = data
N = len(binCounts)
ind = np.arange(N)
width = 1
fig, ax = mplt.subplots()
rects1 =, binCounts, width, color='b')
(This code assumes that bins have equal length.) x: x).histogram(10)
. Question: how would I draw, on the x, instead of the bins value(1,2,3,...), the average value inside the bin? –
Cardiovascular this piece of code simply makes a new column dividing the data to equal size bins and then groups the data by this column. this can be plotted as a bar plot to see a histogram.
bins = 10
df.withColumn("factor", F.expr("round(field_1/bins)*bins")).groupBy("factor").count()
' given input columns: [field_1]; line 1 pos 19 –
Egression With this approach, not only can you get distribution results in pyspark, but also easily control groups, nbins or custom bin interval(binn). (without importing any libraries including pandas)
def pyspark_histogram(df, col, group=None, nbins=100, binn=None):
if not group:
group = []
w = Window.partitionBy(group)
df = (
.withColumn("hist_div", F.lit(binn) if binn else (F.max(col).over(w)-F.min(col).over(w))/nbins)
.withColumn(col, F.floor(F.col(col)/F.col("hist_div"))*F.col("hist_div"))
.groupBy(group + [col])
.withColumn("sum", F.sum("count").over(w))
.withColumn("percent(%)", F.round(F.col("count")*100.0/F.col("sum"), 1))
.orderBy(group + [col])
return df
This is straightforward and works well.
lambda x: x
This is my approach:
import pyspark.sql.functions as f
def plotHist(df, variable, minValue, maxValue, bins = 10):
factor = (bins - 1) / (maxValue - minValue)
df.withColumn('cappedValue', f.least(f.lit(maxValue), f.greatest(f.lit(minValue), variable)))
.withColumn('buckets', f.round(((f.col('cappedValue')) - minValue)*factor)/factor + minValue)
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iterator. Given the pyspark histogram, creating the pandas dataframe is a bit cleaner and works for me withpd.DataFrame(list(zip(*gre_histogram)), columns=['bin', 'frequency'])
– Ailsun