What is considered the most accurate way to benchmark VBA code (in my case, I am testing code in Excel)? Are there any other techniques for benchmarking code besides the 2 below, and if so, what are the pros/cons of the method?
Here are 2 popular methods.
First: Timer
Sub TimerBenchmark()
Dim benchmark As Double
benchmark = Timer
'Do your code here
MsgBox Timer - benchmark
End Sub
And Tick (which I see argued as the most accurate):
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Sub TickBenchmark()
Dim Start As Long
Dim Finish As Long
Start = GetTickCount()
'Do your code here
Finish = GetTickCount()
MsgBox CStr((Finish - Start) / 1000)
End Sub