How to make the blackboard text appear clearer using MATLAB?
Asked Answered



What are the sequence of filters I should put if I want the final image to be more clearer with a digital type look. I mean only two distinct colors, one for the board and one for the chalk writing.
Blackboard image

Yvetteyvon answered 13/11, 2013 at 17:48 Comment(4)
have you tried anything? If so, can you share the code?Government
I converted to a grayscale image first and applied the median filter (medfilt2 with window size 7x7 in matlab). Although I don't want to get the final image as a grayscale one.Yvetteyvon
@Shivendra taking a closer look at the board: (a-b)(a+b)=a^2-b^2 and not a^2+b^2!Jorgan
@Jorgan You got me there. oops, my bad. I was writing randomly very hastily. Although that is not excusable. :)Yvetteyvon

When it comes to identifying text in images you better use Stroke Width Transform.

Here's a little result I obtained on your image (the basic transform + connected component w/o filtering): SWT transformed image

My mex implementation based on code from here

#include "mex.h"
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <algorithm>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;

#define PI 3.14159265

struct Point2d {
    int x;
    int y;
    float SWT;

struct Point2dFloat {
    float x;
    float y;

struct Ray {
    Point2d p;
    Point2d q;
    std::vector<Point2d> points;

void strokeWidthTransform(const float * edgeImage,
    const float * gradientX,
    const float * gradientY,
    bool dark_on_light,
    float * SWTImage,
    int h, int w,
    std::vector<Ray> & rays) {
    // First pass
    float prec = .05f;
    for( int row = 0; row < h; row++ ){
        const float* ptr = edgeImage + row*w;        
        for ( int col = 0; col < w; col++ ){
            if (*ptr > 0) {
                Ray r;

                Point2d p;
                p.x = col;
                p.y = row;
                r.p = p;
                std::vector<Point2d> points;

                float curX = (float)col + 0.5f;
                float curY = (float)row + 0.5f;
                int curPixX = col;
                int curPixY = row;
                float G_x = gradientX[ col + row*w ];                        
                float G_y = gradientY[ col + row*w ];
                // normalize gradient
                float mag = sqrt( (G_x * G_x) + (G_y * G_y) );
                if (dark_on_light){
                    G_x = -G_x/mag;
                    G_y = -G_y/mag;
                } else {
                    G_x = G_x/mag;
                    G_y = G_y/mag;                    
                while (true) {
                    curX += G_x*prec;
                    curY += G_y*prec;
                    if ((int)(floor(curX)) != curPixX || (int)(floor(curY)) != curPixY)     {    
                        curPixX = (int)(floor(curX));
                        curPixY = (int)(floor(curY));
                        // check if pixel is outside boundary of image
                        if (curPixX < 0 || (curPixX >= w) || curPixY < 0 || (curPixY >= h)) {    
                        Point2d pnew;
                        pnew.x = curPixX;
                        pnew.y = curPixY;

                        if ( edgeImage[ curPixY*w+ curPixX ] > 0) {
                            r.q = pnew;
                            // dot product
                            float G_xt = gradientX[ curPixY*w + curPixX ];
                            float G_yt = gradientY[ curPixY*w + curPixX ];
                            mag = sqrt( (G_xt * G_xt) + (G_yt * G_yt) );
                            if (dark_on_light){
                                G_xt = -G_xt/mag;
                                G_yt = -G_yt/mag;
                            } else {
                                G_xt = G_xt/mag;
                                G_yt = G_yt/mag;                                

                            if (acos(G_x * -G_xt + G_y * -G_yt) < PI/2.0 ) {
                                float length = sqrt( ((float)r.q.x - (float)r.p.x)*((float)r.q.x - (float)r.p.x) + ((float)r.q.y - (float)r.p.y)*((float)r.q.y - (float)r.p.y));
                                for (std::vector<Point2d>::iterator pit = points.begin(); pit != points.end(); pit++) {
                                    float* pSWT = SWTImage +  w * pit->y + pit->x;
                                    if (*pSWT < 0) {
                                        *pSWT = length;
                                    } else {
                                        *pSWT = std::min(length, *pSWT);
                                r.points = points;

bool Point2dSort(const Point2d &lhs, const Point2d &rhs) {
    return lhs.SWT < rhs.SWT;

void SWTMedianFilter(float * SWTImage, int h, int w,
        std::vector<Ray> & rays, float maxWidth = -1 ) {
    for (std::vector<Ray>::iterator rit = rays.begin(); rit != rays.end(); rit++) {
        for (std::vector<Point2d>::iterator pit = rit->points.begin(); pit != rit->points.end(); pit++) {
            pit->SWT = SWTImage[ w*pit->y + pit->x ];
        std::sort(rit->points.begin(), rit->points.end(), &Point2dSort);
        //std::nth_element( rit->points.begin(), rit->points.end(), rit->points.size()/2, &Point2dSort );
        float median = (rit->points[rit->points.size()/2]).SWT;
        if ( maxWidth > 0 && median >= maxWidth ) {
            median = -1;
        for (std::vector<Point2d>::iterator pit = rit->points.begin(); pit != rit->points.end(); pit++) {
            SWTImage[ w*pit->y + pit->x ] = std::min(pit->SWT, median);

typedef std::vector< std::set<int> > graph_t; // graph as a list of neighbors per node

void connComp( const graph_t& g, std::vector<int>& c, int i, int l ) {
    // starting from node i labe this conn-comp with label l
    if ( i < 0 || i > g.size() ) {
    std::vector< int > stack;
    // push i
    c[i] = l;
    while ( ! stack.empty() ) {
        // pop
        i = stack.back();
        // go over all nieghbors
        for ( std::set<int>::const_iterator it = g[i].begin(); it != g[i].end(); it++ ) {
            if ( c[*it] < 0 ) {
                stack.push_back( *it );
                c[ *it ] = l;
int findNextToLabel( const graph_t& g, const vector<int>& c ) {
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < c.size(); i++ ) {
        if ( c[i] < 0 ) {
            return i;
    return c.size();

int connected_components(const graph_t& g, vector<int>& c) {
    // check for empty graph!
    if ( g.empty() ) {
        return 0;
    int i = 0;
    int num_conn = 0;
    do {
        connComp( g, c, i, num_conn );
        i = findNextToLabel( g, c );
    } while ( i < g.size() );
    return num_conn;

std::vector< std::vector<Point2d> >
        findLegallyConnectedComponents(const float* SWTImage, int h, int w,
        std::vector<Ray> & rays) {
    std::map<int, int> Map;
    std::map<int, Point2d> revmap;
    std::vector<std::vector<Point2d> > components; // empty
    int num_vertices = 0, idx = 0;
    graph_t g;
    // Number vertices for graph.  Associate each point with number
    for( int row = 0; row < h; row++ ){        
        for (int col = 0; col < w; col++ ){
            idx = col + w * row;
            if (SWTImage[idx] > 0) {
                Map[idx] = num_vertices;
                Point2d p;
                p.x = col;
                p.y = row;
                revmap[num_vertices] = p;
                std::set<int> empty;
    if ( g.empty() ) {
        return components; // nothing to do with an empty graph...
    for( int row = 0; row < h; row++ ){        
        for (int col = 0; col < w; col++ ){
            idx = col + w * row;
            if ( SWTImage[idx] > 0) {
                // check pixel to the right, right-down, down, left-down
                int this_pixel = Map[idx];
                float thisVal = SWTImage[idx];
                if (col+1 < w) {
                    float right = SWTImage[ w*row + col + 1 ];
                    if (right > 0 && (thisVal/right <= 3.0 || right/thisVal <= 3.0)) {
                        g[this_pixel].insert( Map[ w*row + col + 1 ] );                    
                        g[ Map[ w*row + col + 1 ] ].insert( this_pixel );
                        //boost::add_edge(this_pixel, * SWTImage->width + col + 1), g);
                if (row+1 < h) {
                    if (col+1 < w) {
                        float right_down = SWTImage[ w*(row+1) + col + 1 ];
                        if (right_down > 0 && (thisVal/right_down <= 3.0 || right_down/thisVal <= 3.0)) {
                            g[ this_pixel ].insert( Map[ w*(row+1) + col + 1 ] );
                            g[ Map[ w*(row+1) + col + 1 ] ].insert(this_pixel);                            
                            // boost::add_edge(this_pixel, * SWTImage->width + col + 1), g);
                    float down = SWTImage[ w*(row+1) + col ];
                    if (down > 0 && (thisVal/down <= 3.0 || down/thisVal <= 3.0)) {
                        g[ this_pixel ].insert( Map[ w*(row+1) + col ] );
                        g[ Map[ w*(row+1) + col ] ].insert( this_pixel );
                        //boost::add_edge(this_pixel, * SWTImage->width + col), g);
                    if (col-1 >= 0) {
                        float left_down = SWTImage[ w*(row+1) + col - 1 ];
                        if (left_down > 0 && (thisVal/left_down <= 3.0 || left_down/thisVal <= 3.0)) {
                            g[ this_pixel ].insert( Map[ w*(row+1) + col - 1 ] );
                            g[ Map[ w*(row+1) + col - 1 ] ].insert( this_pixel );
                            //boost::add_edge(this_pixel, * SWTImage->width + col - 1), g);

    std::vector<int> c(num_vertices, -1);    
    int num_comp = connected_components(g, c);    

    //std::cout << "Before filtering, " << num_comp << " components and " <<     num_vertices << " vertices" << std::endl;
    for (int j = 0; j < num_comp; j++) {
        std::vector<Point2d> tmp;
        components.push_back( tmp );
    for (int j = 0; j < num_vertices; j++) {
        Point2d p = revmap[j];

    return components;

enum {
    EIN = 0,
    NIN };

void mexFunction( int nout, mxArray* pout[], int nin, const mxArray* pin[] ) {
    // make sure images are input in transposed so that they are arranged row-major in memory
    mxAssert( nin == NIN, "wrong number of inputs" );
    mxAssert( nout > 1, "only one output" );

    int h = mxGetN( pin[EIN] ); // inputs are transposed!
    int w = mxGetM( pin[EIN] );

    mxAssert( mxIsClass( pin[EIN], mxSINGLE_CLASS ) && h == mxGetN( pin[EIN] ) && w == mxGetM( pin[EIN] ), "edge map incorrect");
    mxAssert( mxIsClass( pin[GXIN], mxSINGLE_CLASS ) && h == mxGetN( pin[GXIN] ) && w == mxGetM( pin[GXIN] ), "edge map incorrect");
    mxAssert( mxIsClass( pin[GYIN], mxSINGLE_CLASS ) && h == mxGetN( pin[GYIN] ) && w == mxGetM( pin[GYIN] ), "edge map incorrect");

    const float * edgeImage = (float*) mxGetData( pin[EIN] );
    const float * gradientX = (float*) mxGetData( pin[GXIN] );
    const float * gradientY = (float*) mxGetData( pin[GYIN] );

    bool dark_on_light = mxGetScalar( pin[DOLFIN] ) != 0 ;
    float maxWidth = mxGetScalar( pin[MAXWIN] );

    // allocate output
    pout[0] = mxCreateNumericMatrix( w, h, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL );
    float * SWTImage = (float*) mxGetData( pout[0] );
    // set SWT to -1
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < w*h; i++ ) {
        SWTImage[i] = -1;

    std::vector<Ray> rays;
    strokeWidthTransform ( edgeImage, gradientX, gradientY, dark_on_light, SWTImage, h, w, rays );
    SWTMedianFilter ( SWTImage, h, w, rays, maxWidth );

    // connected components
    if ( nout > 1 ) {
        // Calculate legally connect components from SWT and gradient image.
        // return type is a vector of vectors, where each outer vector is a component and
        // the inner vector contains the (y,x) of each pixel in that component.
        std::vector<std::vector<Point2d> > components = findLegallyConnectedComponents(SWTImage, h, w, rays);
        pout[1] = mxCreateNumericMatrix( w, h, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL );
        float* pComp = (float*) mxGetData( pout[1] );
        for ( int i = 0 ; i < w*h; i++ ) {
            pComp[i] = 0;
        for ( int ci = 0 ; ci < components.size(); ci++ ) {
            for ( std::vector<Point2d>::iterator it = components[ci].begin() ; it != components[ci].end(); it++ ) {
                pComp[ w * it->y + it->x ] = ci + 1;

Matlab function calling stroke-width-transform (SWT) mex-file:

function [swt swtcc] = SWT( img, dol, maxWidth )

if size( img, 3 ) == 3
    img = rgb2gray(img);
img = im2single(img);

edgeMap = single( edge( img, 'canny', .15 ) ); 
img = imfilter( img, fspecial('gauss',[5 5], 0.3*(2.5-1)+.8) );
gx = imfilter( img, fspecial('prewitt')' ); %//'
gy = imfilter( img, fspecial('prewitt') );
gx = single(medfilt2( gx, [3 3] ));
gy = single(medfilt2( gy, [3 3] ));

[swt swtcc] = swt_mex( edgeMap.', gx.', gy.', dol, maxWidth ); %//'

swt = swt'; %//'
swtcc = double(swtcc'); %//'
Jorgan answered 14/11, 2013 at 7:5 Comment(8)
Thanks for the awesome implementation. Why are there so many colors present? Can't I have a single color for the text?Kiarakibble
@Kiarakibble colors represents different strokes. Read the paper you'll find more details there.Jorgan
very nice code @Jorgan . can you clarify some things? i think i understand what maxwidth is used for, but what about dol? also , how you display the colours? i only managed to get a black and white image from this code (swtcc), while swt seems to have width information . -1 for the parts with no stroke width , and stroke width for the other parts. thanks in advanceFester
@DiamantatosParaskevas dol is a binary flag for "dark on light" text. the algorithm will trace the strokes according to this flag. You can convert the components' indices from swtcc to colors using ind2rgbJorgan
@Jorgan Wish there was a Python/OpenCV implementation of this!Computation
how can use the matlab function? it returns me this error: Error in swt_mex (line 16) [swt ,swtcc] = swt_mex( edgeMap.', gx.', gy.', dol, maxWidth ); %//'Clementinaclementine
@mohammadfallah.rasoulnejad have you compiled the c++ code using mex command?Jorgan
@Shai, oh, ops I thought its MATLAB version and does not need that. so I'll do that and give it another try.Clementinaclementine

Try this :

I = imread('...'); % Your board image
ThreshConstant = 1; % Try to vary this constant.

bw = im2bw(I , ThreshConstant * graythresh(I)); % Black-white image

SegmentedImg = I.*repmat(uint8(bw), [1 1 3]);

Just do imshow(bw); and you will have a 2 color image normally well segmented.

If the threshold is too strong, try to turn around 0.5 to 1.5 with ThreshConstant.

Zoometry answered 13/11, 2013 at 19:4 Comment(2)
This is nearly working. But the writing is not smooth as I increase ThreshConstant which I had to do to remove unwanted pixels. Also there are breaks in the writing. Thanks for getting me started.Kiarakibble
You ask to get two distinct color, im2bw is the easiest way to achieve it. Maybe, you'll need pre-processing on your image to smooth thing and maybe get an uniform illumination on your image. If you look to top-left, the image is more shinny then the bottom-right. That can change the threshold a bit.Zoometry

or you could try this

im = imread('');  %the image posted above
bw=im2bw(im2,(double(minp+maxp))/(2*255));  %the threshold as alexandre said, but with the min max idensity as threshold
bw=~bw; % you need to reverse from black font - whit letters to black letters white font :P

this should be the result

enter image description here have in mind , that you can use this technique adaptively with a window, finding the threshold of the window every time for best results.

Fester answered 15/11, 2013 at 19:30 Comment(0)

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