So I have an MVC6 app that includes an identity server (using ThinkTecture's IdentityServer3) and an MVC6 web services application.
In the web services application I am using this code in Startup:
app.UseOAuthBearerAuthentication(options =>
options.Authority = "http://localhost:6418/identity";
options.AutomaticAuthentication = true;
options.Audience = "http://localhost:6418/identity/resources";
Then I have a controller with an action that has the Authorize
I have a JavaScript application that authenticates with the identity server, and then uses the provided JWT token to access the web services action.
This works, and I can only access the action with a valid token.
The problem comes when the JWT has expired. What I'm getting is what appears to be a verbose ASP.NET 500 error page, that returns exception information for the following exception:
System.IdentityModel.Tokens.SecurityTokenExpiredException IDX10223: Lifetime validation failed. The token is expired.
I am fairly new to OAuth and securing Web APIs in general, so I may be way off base, but a 500 error doesn't seem appropriate to me for an expired token. It's definitely not friendly for a web service client.
Is this the expected behavior, and if not, is there something I need to do to get a more appropriate response?