I have a Sql Alchemy application that is returning TimeOut:
TimeoutError: QueuePool limit of size 5 overflow 10 reached, connection timed out, timeout 30
I read in a different post that this happens when I don't close the session but I don't know if this applies to my code:
I connect to the database in the init.py:
from .dbmodels import (
engine = create_engine("mysql://" + loadConfigVar("user") + ":" + loadConfigVar("password") + "@" + loadConfigVar("host") + "/" + loadConfigVar("schema"))
#Sets the engine to the session and the Base model class
Base.metadata.bind = engine
Then in another python file I'm gathering some data in two functions but using DBSession that I initialized in init.py:
from .dbmodels import DBSession
from .dbmodels import resourcestatsModel
def getFeaturedGroups(max = 1):
#Get the number of download per resource
rescount = DBSession.connection().execute("select resource_id,count(resource_id) as total FROM resourcestats")
#Move the data to an array
resources = []
data = {}
for row in rescount:
data["resource_id"] = row.resource_id
data["total"] = row.total
#Get the list of groups
group_list = toolkit.get_action('group_list')({}, {})
for group in group_list:
#Get the details of each group
group_info = toolkit.get_action('group_show')({}, {'id': group})
#Count the features of the group
#Order the FeaturedGroups by total
FeaturedGroups.sort(key=lambda x: x["total"],reverse=True)
print FeaturedGroups
#Move the data of the group to the result array.
result = []
count = 0
for group in FeaturedGroups:
group_info = toolkit.get_action('group_show')({}, {'id': group["group_id"]})
count = count +1
if count == max:
return result
return []
def getResourceStats(resourceID):
return DBSession.query(resourcestatsModel).filter_by(resource_id = resourceID).count()
The session variables are created like this:
#Basic SQLAlchemy types
from sqlalchemy import (
# Use SQLAlchemy declarative type
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import (
#Use Zope' sqlalchemy transaction manager
from zope.sqlalchemy import ZopeTransactionExtension
#Main plugin session
DBSession = scoped_session(sessionmaker(extension=ZopeTransactionExtension()))
Because the session is created in the init.py and in subsequent code I just use it; at which point do I need to close the session? Or what else do I need to do to manage the pool size?
defined? – RenaegetResourceStats
used? It looks like half the code is missing - can you add it all in or it may be impossible to diagnose the problem. – Renaeimport
statement looks really strange, in addition to the issues mentioned by @TomDalton. At what point does the error occur? Is this the Minimal, Complete, Verifiable example? IOW, can you reduce this at all (or significantly) and still exhibit the same behavior? There seems to be a lot of business logic in there that is very unlikely the cause of the problem. Try removing it, and posting a full working (syntactically correct) example, and I'd be happy to help. – Peroxide