On updating the device OS to Android 9.0
, previously this code was working fine(Xiaomi mi A2). Now, files are not being downloaded on Android Pie 9.0
Moreover it is working fine in Oreo, Nougat , Marshmallow
Here is the code snippet:
File myDir = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(), "MyApp");
if (!myDir.exists()) {
String timeStamp = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss",
Locale.getDefault()).format(new Date());
DownloadManager mgr = (DownloadManager) context.getSystemService(Context.DOWNLOAD_SERVICE);
Uri downloadUri = Uri.parse(url);
DownloadManager.Request request = new DownloadManager.Request(
| DownloadManager.Request.NETWORK_MOBILE).setAllowedOverMetered(true)
.setAllowedOverRoaming(true).setTitle("Downloading demo file").
.setDestinationInExternalPublicDir(folder_main + "/", timeStamp);
Error in logcat:
11-27 11:17:28.056 4062-2814/? D/DownloadManager: [3970] Starting
11-27 11:17:28.067 4062-2814/? W/DownloadManager: [3970] Stop requested with status HTTP_DATA_ERROR
11-27 11:17:28.068 4062-2814/? D/DownloadManager: [3970] Finished with status WAITING_TO_RETRY
11-27 11:18:06.466 4062-2843/? D/DownloadManager: [3970] Starting
11-27 11:18:06.576 4062-2843/? W/DownloadManager: [3970] Stop requested with status HTTP_DATA_ERROR
11-27 11:18:06.577 4062-2843/? D/DownloadManager: [3970] Finished with status WAITING_TO_RETRY
11-27 11:19:06.581 4062-2867/? D/DownloadManager: [3968] Starting
11-27 11:19:06.737 4062-2867/? W/DownloadManager: [3968] Stop requested with status HTTP_DATA_ERROR
11-27 11:19:06.738 4062-2867/? D/DownloadManager: [3968] Finished with status WAITING_TO_RETRY
11-27 11:19:19.131 4062-2869/? D/DownloadManager: [3970] Starting
11-27 11:19:19.144 4062-2869/? W/DownloadManager: [3970] Stop requested with status HTTP_DATA_ERROR
11-27 11:19:19.144 4062-2869/? D/DownloadManager: [3970] Finished with status WAITING_TO_RETRY
11-27 11:19:36.243 4062-2872/? D/DownloadManager: [3969] Starting
11-27 11:19:36.259 4062-2872/? W/DownloadManager: [3969] Stop requested with status HTTP_DATA_ER
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks