I'm trying to establish how much slower Entity Framework is over Stored Procedures. I hope to convince my boss to let us use Entity Framework for ease of development.
Problem is I ran a performance test and it looks like EF is about 7 times slower than Stored Procs. I find this extremely hard to believe, and I'm wondering if I'm missing something. Is this a conclusive Test? Is there anything I can do to increase the performance of the EF Test?
var queries = 10000;
// Stored Proc Test
Stopwatch spStopwatch = new Stopwatch();
for (int i = 0; i < queries; i++ )
using (var sqlConn = new SlxDbConnection().Connection)
var cmd = new SqlCommand("uspSearchPerformanceTest", sqlConn) { CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure };
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@searchText", "gstrader");
SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
List<User> users = new List<User>();
while (dr.Read())
users.Add(new User
IsAnonymous = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["IsAnonymous"]),
LastActivityDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["LastActivityDate"]),
LoweredUserName = dr["LoweredUserName"].ToString(),
MobileAlias = dr["MobileAlias"].ToString(),
UserId = new Guid(dr["UserId"].ToString()),
UserName = (dr["UserName"]).ToString()
var username = users.First().UserName;
Console.WriteLine("SP - {0} Queries took {1}", queries, spStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds );
// EF Test
Stopwatch entityStopWatch = new Stopwatch();
var context = new SlxDbContext();
var userSet = context.Set<User>();
for (int i = 0; i < queries; i++)
User user = userSet.Where(x => x.UserName == "gstrader").First();
Console.WriteLine("Entity - {0} Queries took {1}", queries, entityStopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
SP - 10000 Queries took 2278
Entity - 10000 Queries took 16277