From the point of my understanding, both principles are complementary, i.e. they need to be combined.
The ultimate consequence of violating ISP is becoming fragile, "shotgun surgury" or a "butterfly effect". A lot of code can break or require code updates because they depend onto some interface or objects which provide more than they needed. Changes become excessive.
The consequence of violating SRP is mainly decreased readability and maintentance. The lack of clear code structure may require people to search across the code base (a single responsibility is too distributed) or within a single large unit (multiple responsibilities scrammed together) to make a coherent change. In General, it is increased overhead to fully understand the concern (purpose) of some code snippet. Changes are prevented.
In that way, both principles act like a lower and upper bound for sane change management.
Examples for satisfying RSP without ISP – as provided by the other answers – express that there can be code which truly would belong together (like the stack example quote from Robert C. Martin). But it may do too much, is overengineered, etc. Maybe in very small examples, the effect is not visible, but if it grows large, it may be more comfortable to have a depending class still compile correctly after some unrelated part in the (indirect) dependency was changed. Rather than not compile anymore because unrelated things were changed.