When working with R I frequently get the error message "subscript out of bounds". For example:
# Load necessary libraries and data
data(kracknets, package = "NetData")
# Reduce dataset to nonzero edges
krack_full_nonzero_edges <- subset(krack_full_data_frame, (advice_tie > 0 | friendship_tie > 0 | reports_to_tie > 0))
# convert to graph data farme
krack_full <- graph.data.frame(krack_full_nonzero_edges)
# Set vertex attributes
for (i in V(krack_full)) {
for (j in names(attributes)) {
krack_full <- set.vertex.attribute(krack_full, j, index=i, attributes[i+1,j])
# Calculate reachability for each vertix
reachability <- function(g, m) {
reach_mat = matrix(nrow = vcount(g),
ncol = vcount(g))
for (i in 1:vcount(g)) {
reach_mat[i,] = 0
this_node_reach <- subcomponent(g, (i - 1), mode = m)
for (j in 1:(length(this_node_reach))) {
alter = this_node_reach[j] + 1
reach_mat[i, alter] = 1
reach_full_in <- reachability(krack_full, 'in')
This generates the following error Error in reach_mat[i, alter] = 1 : subscript out of bounds
However, my question is not about this particular piece of code (even though it would be helpful to solve that too), but my question is more general:
- What is the definition of a subscript-out-of-bounds error? What causes it?
- Are there any generic ways of approaching this kind of error?