Some great solutions above, didn't see one for Typescript fleshed out, so here it goes. Based on @Ethan Browns solution above
const pick = < T extends object, K extends keyof T >(
obj: T,
...keys: K[]
): Pick< T, K > =>
keys.reduce< any >( ( r, key ) => {
r[ key ] = obj[ key ];
return r;
}, {} );
And for bonus, here is TS friendly es6 omit
, and one that is much more performant below, but less es6.
const omit = < T extends object, K extends keyof T >(
obj: T,
...keys: K[]
): Omit< T, K > =>
keys.reduce( ( r, key ) => ( delete r[ key ], r ), {
} );
Way more performant omit
const omit = < T extends object, K extends keyof T >(
obj: T,
...keys: K[]
): Omit< T, K > => {
let r: any = {};
let length = keys.length;
while ( length-- ) {
const key = keys[ length ];
r[ key ] = obj[ key ];
return r;
; es6 is like a Christmas tree with so many presents under it I'm still finding gifts months after the holiday – Cale