Im trying to use the replaceline function to update code in Access VBA module. it keeps coming up with a compile error. Ive checked that the VBA Extension are selected and compared it to other examples that I have looked up.
this is the first time that Ive used this type of function, so I haven't fully got my head around them.
code below
Sub ReplaceCodeModuleText(strModule As String, strFindWhat As String, strReplaceWith As String)
' Search the code module for specific text
' Replace with new text
Dim VBProj As VBProject
Dim VBComp As VBComponent
Dim CodeMod As CodeModule
Dim SL As Long ' start line
Dim EL As Long ' end line
Dim SC As Long ' start column
Dim EC As Long ' end column
Dim strCodeLine As String
Dim vDummy As Variant
Dim Found As Boolean
Set VBProj = Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject
Set VBComp = VBProj.VBComponents(strModule)
Set CodeMod = VBComp.CodeModule ' '.CodeModule
With CodeMod
SL = 1: EL = .CountOfLines
SC = 1: EC = 255
Found = .Find(Target:=strFindWhat, StartLine:=SL, StartColumn:=SC, _
EndLine:=EL, EndColumn:=EC, _
wholeword:=True, MatchCase:=False, patternsearch:=False)
If Found Then
strCodeLine = CodeMod.Lines(SL, 1)
strCodeLine = Replace(strCodeLine, strFindWhat, strReplaceWith, Compare:=vbTextCompare) 'not case sensitive = vbTextCompare
.ReplaceLine(SL, strCodeLine)
Debug.Print "Successfully Replaced: " & strFindWhat & " in VBA Module: " & strModule & " with : " & strReplaceWith
Debug.Print "Did not find: " & strFindWhat;
End If
End With
End Sub
line says search from line 1 to EL, but the assignment ofstrCodeLine
only useSL
which doesn't appear to have been updated. It might be worth using afor
loop and do the string replace and ReplaceLine on every line in the module. – Unreliable