I want to make a slideshow where the pictures transition through fade in fade out opacity. it just glooms on the screen and switches to the next picture.
I got it to work but added the other brower webkits and it stopped working. Can't seem to find my mistake.. The slideshow still works.
This is the code:
/* Fading animation in css */
.fade {
-webkit-animation-name: fade 5s;
animation-name: fade 5s;
-moz-animation: fade 5s;
-o-animation: fade 5s;
@-webkit-keyframes fade {
0% {opacity: 0.2}
50% {opacity: 1}
100% {opacity:0.2}
@-moz-keyframes fade{
0% {opacity: 0.2}
50% {opacity: 1}
100% {opacity:0}
@keyframes fade {
0% {opacity: 0.2}
50% {opacity: 1}
100%{opacity: 0.2}
@-o-keyframes fade {
0% {opacity: 0.2}
50% {opacity: 1}
100%{opacity: 0.2}
<div class="slideshowcontainer">
<div class="slideshow fade">
<img src="images/PSA.PNG">
<div class="slideshow fade">
<img src="images/OWSA.PNG">
<div class="slideshow fade">
<img src="images/CEAC.PNG">