I have used TortoiseHg to export a few changesets from a Mercurial repository.
This went fine, except that the SignalR dlls were not included in the patch of the changeset where I added those dlls.
Why are they not being included? If I look at the changeset on my machine, I can see the dlls are added in the changeset.
How can I add these dlls to the patch!?
I installed SignalR through nuget.
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: I also noticed that another change to a file is also not included in the patch of that changeset.
EDIT: When I open the patch in notepad++, I saw mention of the files:
diff -r b10c68a2d387 -r 74aa5e71d315 MyProject/_sln/packages/SignalR.Server.0.5.3/lib/net40/SignalR.dll
Binary file MyProject/_sln/packages/SignalR.Server.0.5.3/lib/net40/SignalR.dll has changed