As everyone mentions, it's a "splat". Looking for Ruby syntax is impossible, and I've asked this in other questions. The answer to that part of the question is that you search on
asterisk in ruby syntax
in Google. Google is there for you, just put what you see into words.
Anyhoo, like a lot of Ruby code, that code is quite dense. The
makes an array of SIX elements, first_name, mickey, last_name, mouse, country, usa
. Then the splat is used to make that into a Hash. Now the Ruby people always send you to look at the Splat method, since everything is exposed in Ruby. I have no idea where it is, but once you have that, you'll see that it runs a for
through the array and builds the hash.
You would look for the code in the core documentation. If you cannot find it (I could not), you would try to write some code like this (which works, but is NOT Ruby-like code):
line = "first_name=mickey;last_name=mouse;country=usa"
presplat = line.split(/=|;/)
splat =
for i in (0..presplat.length-1)
splat[presplat[i]] = presplat[i+1] if i%2==0
puts splat["first_name"]
and then the Ruby gang will be able to tell you why your code is silly, bad, or just plain wrong.
If you've read this far, take a read through the Hash documentation for initialization.
Basically a hash that is initialized with several arguments creates them as key value pairs:
Hash["a", 100, "b", 200] #=> {"a"=>100, "b"=>200}
So in your example this would lead to the following Hash:
{"first_name"=>"mickey", "last_name"=>"mouse", "county"=>"usa"}
a,b,*c = d,e,f,*g
sets a=d, b=e, and c=[f,g0,g1,g2,...,gn], where g=[g0,g1,g2,...,gn] – Shantel