Based on the principles of the answer from user1599237, where you let the cron jobs run on all instances but then instead in the beginning of the jobs determine if they should be allowed to run, I have made another solution.
Instead of looking at the running instances (and having to store your AWS key and secret) I'm using the MySQL database that I'm already connecting to from all instances.
It has no downsides, only positives:
- no extra instance or expenses
- rock solid solution - no chance of double execution
- scalable - automatically works as your instances are scaled up and down
- failover - automatically works in case an instance has a failure
Alternatively, you could also use a commonly shared filesystem (like AWS EFS via the NFS protocol) instead of a database.
The following solution is created within the PHP framework Yii but you can easily adapt it for another framework and language. Also the exception handler Yii::$app->system
is a module of my own. Replace it with whatever you are using.
* Obtain an exclusive lock to ensure only one instance or worker executes a job
* Examples:
* `php /var/app/current/yii process/lock 60 empty-trash php /var/app/current/yii maintenance/empty-trash`
* `php /var/app/current/yii process/lock 60 empty-trash php /var/app/current/yii maintenance/empty-trash StdOUT./test.log`
* `php /var/app/current/yii process/lock 60 "empty trash" php /var/app/current/yii maintenance/empty-trash StdOUT./test.log StdERR.ditto`
* `php /var/app/current/yii process/lock 60 "empty trash" php /var/app/current/yii maintenance/empty-trash StdOUT./output.log StdERR./error.log`
* Arguments are understood as follows:
* - First: Duration of the lock in minutes
* - Second: Job name (surround with quotes if it contains spaces)
* - The rest: Command to execute. Instead of writing `>` and `2>` for redirecting output you need to write `StdOUT` and `StdERR` respectively. To redirect stderr to stdout write `StdERR.ditto`.
* Command will be executed in the background. If determined that it should not be executed the script will terminate silently.
public function actionLock() {
$argsAll = $args = func_get_args();
if (!is_numeric($args[0])) {
\Yii::$app->system->error('Duration for obtaining process lock is not numeric.', ['Args' => $argsAll]);
if (!$args[1]) {
\Yii::$app->system->error('Job name for obtaining process lock is missing.', ['Args' => $argsAll]);
$durationMins = $args[0];
$jobName = $args[1];
$instanceID = null;
unset($args[0], $args[1]);
$command = trim(implode(' ', $args));
if (!$command) {
\Yii::$app->system->error('Command to execute after obtaining process lock is missing.', ['Args' => $argsAll]);
// If using AWS Elastic Beanstalk retrieve the instance ID
if (file_exists('/etc/elasticbeanstalk/.aws-eb-system-initialized')) {
if ($awsEb = file_get_contents('/etc/elasticbeanstalk/.aws-eb-system-initialized')) {
$awsEb = json_decode($awsEb);
if (is_object($awsEb) && $awsEb->instance_id) {
$instanceID = $awsEb->instance_id;
// Obtain lock
$updateColumns = false; //do nothing if record already exists
$affectedRows = \Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->upsert('system_job_locks', [
'job_name' => $jobName,
'locked' => gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
'duration' => $durationMins,
'source' => $instanceID,
], $updateColumns)->execute();
// The SQL generated: INSERT INTO system_job_locks (job_name, locked, duration, source) VALUES ('some-name', '2019-04-22 17:24:39', 60, 'i-HmkDAZ9S5G5G') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE job_name = job_name
if ($affectedRows == 0) {
// record already exists, check if lock has expired
$affectedRows = \Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->update('system_job_locks', [
'locked' => gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
'duration' => $durationMins,
'source' => $instanceID,
'job_name = :jobName AND DATE_ADD(locked, INTERVAL duration MINUTE) < NOW()', ['jobName' => $jobName]
// The SQL generated: UPDATE system_job_locks SET locked = '2019-04-22 17:24:39', duration = 60, source = 'i-HmkDAZ9S5G5G' WHERE job_name = 'clean-trash' AND DATE_ADD(locked, INTERVAL duration MINUTE) < NOW()
if ($affectedRows == 0) {
// We could not obtain a lock (since another process already has it) so do not execute the command
// Handle redirection of stdout and stderr
$command = str_replace('StdOUT', '>', $command);
$command = str_replace('StdERR.ditto', '2>&1', $command);
$command = str_replace('StdERR', '2>', $command);
// Execute the command as a background process so we can exit the current process
$command .= ' &';
$output = []; $exitcode = null;
exec($command, $output, $exitcode);
This is the database schema I'm using:
CREATE TABLE `system_job_locks` (
`job_name` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`job_name`)