I installed Visual Studio Code with Homebrew Cask Tap and started to code. Now I miss the autocompletion for TYPO3 Classes.
How can I add the TYPO3 Library from eg TYPO3 9.5 to my workspace that my autocompletion works for TYPO3 Classes?
With other IDEs where I adde the TYPO3 Source I could press CMD MOUSE-LEFT (on MAC) on eg. AbstractViewHelper
in the Examplecode and my IDE jumps to the destinated Class.
namespace MonTea\MonteaBase\ViewHelpers\Format;
class PhonenumberViewHelper extends \TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\AbstractViewHelper
Perhaps it's important:
I use the VS Code Version 1.28.2 (1.28.2).