i would like run multiple mutations in the same query.
In the example below, i create an order and after i create a product record, concerning previously created.
I must have 2 mutations.
First, i insert an order. In output, i retrieve among others, idorder.
Then, i insert an product. This product
mutation {
createOrder(input: {
order: {
ordername: "My order"
}) {
order {
createProduct(input: {
product: {
quantity: 3
idrefproduct: 25 # link to refProduct
idorder: XXXX # how can i retrieve idorder from output of createOrder above ? π€
}) {
product {
Real example with SQL structure :
user(iduser, othersFields);
scenarios(idscenario, iduser, name, otherFields);
cultA(idcultA, idscenario, ...); // this table need of idscenario field
cultB(idcultB, idscenario, ...); // this table need of idscenario field
cultC(idcultC, idscenario, ...); // this table need of idscenario field
how can i retrieve idorder from output of createOrder above ? π€
It is possible ?
If i forgot some informations, don't hesitate.
Thanks in advance.
- With PostGraphile, plugin "postgraphile-plugin-nested-mutations" or "custom mutations" (with PL PGSQL function)
- Without PostGraphile, a resolver as the example of @xadm permits this particular nested mutation.