Since Twitter changed their website design, I cannot get a set of tweets from any account by using built-in Zinc classes. It throws an error that says: ConnectionClosed: Connection closed while waiting for data
I am using Pharo 5, and I don't know how to tweak the ZnClient settings in order to keep the connection open or something to the purpose of getting the data.
| client |
self ensureSocketStreamFactory.
self isNativeSSLPluginPresent ifFalse: [ ^ self ].
(client := ZnClient new)
get: ''.
self assert: client isSuccess.
self assert: (client contents includesSubstring: 'Twitter').
client close
That's the test I have in place, it never passes, and throws the error mentioned above. What's missing here? I did a Ruby script using open-uri, openssl and Nokogiri and it fetched the tweets just fine. Perhaps it's a problem with the SSL connection itself?