I have a couchdb view "record_by_date_product" with the following definition:
function(doc) {
emit([doc.logtime, doc.product_id], doc);
I am trying to run a query which is something like:
(logtime > fromdate & logtime < todate) & product_id in (1,2,6)
Is this possible with this view?
I am also using couchdb python library to access couchdb. Here is a code snippet:
server = couchdb.Server()
db = server['mydb']
results = db.view('_design/record_by_date_product/_view/record_by_date_product')
This page http://packages.python.org/CouchDB/client.html#viewresults specifies that we can use a startkey and endkey. But I am not able to get it working.
[start_date, 1]
and[end_date, 1]
will include a lot of things you don't want, like everything in the date range for product id=2. This will work if you emit the product id before the date. – Tragic