I created a unit test for a method of my project. That method raises an exception when a file is not found. I wrote a unit test for that, but I'm still not able to pass the test when the exception is raised.
Method is
public string[] GetBuildMachineNames(string path)
string[] machineNames = null;
XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(path);
foreach (XElement child in doc.Root.Elements("buildMachines"))
int i = 0;
XAttribute attribute = child.Attribute("machine");
machineNames[i] = attribute.Value;
return machineNames;
Unit Test
[ExpectedException(typeof(FileNotFoundException),"Raise exception when file not found")]
public void VerifyBuildMachineNamesIfFileNotPresent()
var configReaderNoFile = new ConfigReader();
var names = configReaderNoFile.GetBuildMachineNames("BuildMachineNoNames.xml");
Should I handle the Exception in the method or am I missing something else??
The path I am passing is not the one to find the file, so this test should pass... i.e. what if file not exists in that path.