I have a project setup that is as follows:
└gulp (and gulp-plugins, express etc.)
Now I want to execute the gulpfile in the project directories:
set NODE_PATH='C:\workspace\cache\node_modules\'
cd C:\workspace\project1\
C:\workspace\nodejs\node.exe C:\workspace\cache\node_modules\gulp\bin\gulp.js watch
and I get the following output:
[12:06:04] Local gulp not found in C:\workspace\project1
[12:06:04] Try running: npm install gulp
In both project folders the gulpfile is similar and uses a similar set of plugins. I'd really like to have the dependencies only once (because potentially I have up to 25 projects sharing the same node_modules). Is this setup possible, or does the seperate project directories need to have their own node_modules folders?
mklink /J node_modules ..\SFBC\node_modules
For the record; I'm banging my head against the table because I didn't think of this myself. Coming from a Linux/Mac environment I'm not used that the same methods apply in windows. – Encipher