I have broken FKs in my database and if I load an entity and ask for a related entity Doctrine will throw \Doctrine\ORM\EntityNotFoundException
For the entity in question, I would prefer that where the FK is broken it would return NULL rather than throw an exception. This is because its within a Twig template that the exception occurs and I would prefer Twig to not have to have to handle the exception in this case.
The following is an example configuration.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<doctrine-mapping xmlns="http://doctrine-project.org/schemas/orm/doctrine-mapping"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://doctrine-project.org/schemas/orm/doctrine-mapping http://doctrine-project.org/schemas/orm/doctrine-mapping.xsd">
<entity name="Foo\Click" table="clicks">
<id name="id" type="bigint" column="click_id">
<generator strategy="IDENTITY"/>
<!-- .. -->
<many-to-one field="visitor" target-entity="Foo\Visitor" fetch="LAZY">
<join-column name="visitor_id" referenced-column-name="visitor_id"/>
<entity name="Foo\Visitor" table="visitors" read-only="true">
<id name="visitorId" type="integer" column="visitor_id">
<generator strategy="IDENTITY"/>
<!-- ... -->
<one-to-one field="firstClick" target-entity="Foo\Click" fetch="LAZY">
<join-column name="click_id" referenced-column-name="click_id"/>
The following is an example of expected results where the the click as a visitor ID, but the a visitor record does not exists with that ID. In this case, I would rather not have to wrap the logic in Try/Catch and instead have Click::getVisitor()
return null
$clickOne = $entityManager()->find(Foo\Click::class, 1);
$v = $clickOne->getVisitor();
if ($v !== null) {
echo $v->getId(); // may throw Doctrine\ORM\EntityNotFoundException
Is there a strategy for this with Doctrine?
Update: Added example configuration and code, and now I see the why this is not achievable with a simple Doctrine configuration.
bundle - are you using that in your project? – PeenEntityNotFoundException
gets thrown from Doctrine's proxy methods, which don't appear to support any event listeners or customisation. You'd need to addtry/catch
blocks to eachgetXX
relationship method. – Peen