I am having trouble with dynamic and static linking a library in Ada. I have prepared a minimum working example. These three files define a library that outputs "Hello world":
project Helloworld_Lib is
for Library_Name use "helloworld_lib";
for Source_Files use ("helloworld_lib.adb", "helloworld_lib.ads");
for Library_Kind use "static";
for Library_Dir use "obj";
end Helloworld_Lib;
with Ada.Text_IO;
package body helloworld_lib is
procedure Hello is
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Hello world");
end Hello;
end helloworld_lib;
with Ada.Text_IO;
use Ada.Text_IO;
package helloworld_lib is
procedure Hello;
end helloworld_lib;
These two files define a project that imports the library and runs it:
with "helloworld_lib.gpr";
project Helloworld_Interface is
for Create_Missing_Dirs use "True";
for Main use ("helloworld_interface.adb");
for Source_Files use ("helloworld_interface.adb");
for Object_Dir use "obj";
end Helloworld_Interface;
with helloworld_lib; use helloworld_lib;
procedure helloworld_interface is
end helloworld_interface;
I am using GPS 19.1 GNAT Community Edition on Windows. If helloworld_interface.gpr is opened and "Build All" run an exe is compiled that works as expected and is fully self contained.
If we change Library_Kind
from static
to dynamic
in helloworld_lib.gpr and build as before an exe and a dll is compiled. However the compiled files now have a dependency on libgnat-2019.dll
and libgcc_s_seh-1.dll
. The program will not run without these DLLs, which can be copied from C:\GNAT\2019\bin
Given that a static linked EXE file can be produced that runs with no other dependencies, how can this example be compiled to an EXE and a DLL with no other dependencies? Why are these two extra DLLs now required?