I'm developing a simple Blogging/Bookmarking platform and I'm trying to add a tags-explorer/drill-down feature a là delicious to allow users to filter the posts specifying a list of specific tags.
Something like this:
Posts are represented in the datastore with this simplified model:
class Post(db.Model):
title = db.StringProperty(required = True)
link = db.LinkProperty(required = True)
description = db.StringProperty(required = True)
tags = db.ListProperty(str)
created = db.DateTimeProperty(required = True, auto_now_add = True)
Post's tags are stored in a ListProperty and, in order to retrieve the list of posts tagged with a specific list of tags, the Post model exposes the following static method:
def get_posts(limit, offset, tags_filter = []):
posts = Post.all()
for tag in tags_filter:
if tag:
posts.filter('tags', tag)
return posts.fetch(limit = limit, offset = offset)
This works well, although I've not stressed it too much.
The problem raises when I try to add a "sorting" order to the get_posts
method to keep the result ordered by "-created"
def get_posts(limit, offset, tags_filter = []):
posts = Post.all()
for tag in tags_filter:
if tag:
posts.filter('tags', tag)
return posts.fetch(limit = limit, offset = offset)
The sorting order adds an index for each tag to filter, leading to the dreaded exploding indexes problem.
One last thing that makes this thing more complicated is that the get_posts
method should provide some pagination mechanism.
Do you know any Strategy/Idea/Workaround/Hack to solve this problem?