I've a database table I'd like to return all values where a column contains a non ASCII character anywhere in the string.
Is there an easy way to do this?
I've tried this
select col_name, regexp_instr(col_name,'[^[:ascii:]]')
from test_table s
where created > sysdate - 1
and regexp_instr(col_name,'[^[:ascii:]]') > 0
limit 5;
but get this error:
error: Invalid character class name, collating name, or character range. The error occured while parsing the regular expression: '[^[:>>>HERE>>>ascii:]]'.
code: 8002
context: T_regexp_init
query: 5059536
location: funcs_expr.cpp:130
process: query20_31 [pid=7903]
do? – Opportina