We're using Airflow v2.2.3 on Kubernetes (KubernetesExecutor), our environment requires a DAG pre-customer, and each customer can be in a different timezone.
Each DAG should be scheduled in its own timezone at midnight, and I saw that it can be achieved using Airflow's timezone aware DAGs
so configuring timezone aware start_date
for each DAG worked and made each DAG to execute in its own timezone midnight:
start_date_utc = (datetime.now() - timedelta(days=2)).replace(
hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
timezone = pendulum.timezone(get_customer_timezone(customer))
START_DATE = start_date_utc.replace(tzinfo=timezone)
default_args = {
"owner": "owner",
"depends_on_past": False,
"start_date": START_DATE,
dag = DAG(
schedule_interval="0 0 * * *",
date = '{{ execution_date | ds }}'
operator_args = {
"customer_date": date,
My problem is that both the jinja template and dag_run the execution_date
(dag_run.logical_date) is still in UTC, and was not adjusted based on the DAGs timezone.
That causes unexpected behavior when running DAGs in different timezones tho execution_date
of DAGs with timezone offset earlier than UTC is wrong (2 days before and not 1)
I need some advice please on how can we change the execution_date
based on the DAGs timezone
{{ execution_date.in_timezone('Europe/Amsterdam')
? – Cutwormdag.timezone
– Cutworm{{ dag_run.logical_date.astimezone(dag.timezone) }}
in template, I wondered if the execution_date for timezone aware dags can be in DAGs timezone, cause currently as far as I can see in docs it's only in UTC ... – Psychopharmacology