I'm trying to port some CIFilter
from this source by using metal shading language for Core Image.
I have a palette of color composed by an array of RGB
struct and I want to pass them as an argument to a custom CI color image kernel.
The RGB struct is converted into an array of SIMD3<Float>
static func SIMD3Palette(_ palette: [RGB]) -> [SIMD3<Float>] {
return palette.map{$0.toFloat3()}
The kernel should take and array of simd_float3
values, the problem is the when I launch the filter it tells me that the argument at index 1 is expecting an NSData
override var outputImage: CIImage? {
guard let inputImage = inputImage else
return nil
let palette = EightBitColorFilter.palettes[Int(inputPaletteIndex)]
let extent = inputImage.extent
let arguments = [inputImage, palette, Float(palette.count)] as [Any]
let final = colorKernel.apply(extent: extent, arguments: arguments)
return final
This is the kernel:
float4 eight_bit(sample_t image, simd_float3 palette[], float paletteSize, destination dest) {
float dist = distance(image.rgb, palette[0]);
float3 returnColor = palette[0];
for (int i = 1; i < floor(paletteSize); ++i) {
float tempDist = distance(image.rgb, palette[i]);
if (tempDist < dist) {
dist = tempDist;
returnColor = palette[i];
return float4(returnColor, 1);
I'm wondering how can I pass a data buffer to the kernel since converting it into an NSData seems not enough.
I saw some example but they are using "full" shading language that is not available for Core Image that is a sort of subset for dealing only with fragments.