I wrote a short matlab script file that is suppose to run Fresnel's propagation (diffraction), such that given a certain input field U0, it will tell you how the field looks after distance z0. I compared the result to textbook results, and it seems like my program works fine. The problem is if I try to take two propagation steps instead of just one. i.e, instead of taking a single iteration of the program to propagate a distance z0, I take two iterations of the program to propagate a distance z0/2 each. Then I get complete nonsense, and I can't figure out what's the problem. Any advice will be accepted with great gratitude. Here is the code:
function U = fresnel_advance (U0, dx, dy, z, lambda)
% The function receives a field U0 at wavelength lambda
% and returns the field U after distance z, using the Fresnel
% approximation. dx, dy, are spatial resolution.
[ny, nx] = size(U0);
Lx = dx * nx;
Ly = dy * ny;
dfx = 1./Lx;
dfy = 1./Ly;
u = ones(nx,1)*((1:nx)-nx/2)*dfx;
v = ((1:ny)-ny/2)'*ones(1,ny)*dfy;
O = fftshift(fft2(U0));
H = exp(1i*k*z).*exp(-1i*pi*lambda*z*(u.^2+v.^2));
U = ifft2(O.*H);