This question and others have raised an important topic: it can often be difficult and frustrating to find documentation on special characters used in Clojure source code.
The first place to look is the Clojure docs themselves. There is even a special page devoted to this topic:
Many of the special characters are known as Reader Literals, which also have a documentation page:
You can also find hints regarding special chars & their usage on:
Finally, the search engine can search for special symbols that Google & others ignore. For example, consider this Clojure code:
(defn lines
"Given an open reader, return a lazy sequence of lines"
[^ reader]
(take-while identity (repeatedly #(.readLine reader))))
How could we search for the meaning of ^
on the 3rd line? If we go to SymbolHound and use the search string clojure ^
we get back:
270 results found for clojure ^
and many more answers.