I have a method which takes long to run: it calls the DB and makes certain calculations synchronously:
public static MyResult MyMethod(int param1, int param2)
// run a DB query, wait for result, make calculations...
I want to write a wrapper for it, to be able to use it from my WinForms UI with 'await' keyword. To do this, I create another method, MyResultAsync. I have a choice, how exactly to write it:
// option 1
public async static Task<MyResult> MyResultAsync(int param1, int param2)
return await TaskEx.Run(() => MyMethod(param1, param2));
// option 2
public static Task<MyResult> MyResultAsync(int param1, int param2)
return TaskEx.Run(() => MyMethod(param1, param2));
So, which option is preferable and why? As you can see, the difference is just in presence/absence of 'async' and 'await' keywords.
Thank you!