I have used adapter, authentication, server everything of MFP. But now I am stuck in Direct Update. If I am pushing mfpdev app webupdate
direct update default dialog is coming and I can update application.
But issue is coming while I am trying to make a custom dialog for getting the update. I never got the custom dialog. The codes I have used is:\
wl_directUpdateChallengeHandler.handleDirectUpdate = ((directUpdateData, directUpdateContext) => {
WL.SimpleDialog.show('Update Avalible', 'Press update button to download version 2.0', [{
text: 'update',
handler: () => {
I cant find the wl_directUpdateChallengeHandler
in worklight.d.ts file either. Seeming like in ionic2 we don't have a option for custom direct update dialog. Am I right?
The version I am using is Mobilefirst V8.0.0 and Ionic2
Please help me if anyone have any better understanding on this.