I'm developing a Java web project in Eclipse (STS version 2.8.1.RELEASE) with Maven (version 2.2.1) and unit tests written in Groovy. The unit tests are located under src/test/groovy. Furthermore I'm using the m2eclipse plugin for Eclipse (version 1.0) and the Gmaven plugin in Maven (version 1.3).
Building in Maven works without problems: the groovy files are compiled and executed as tests. For the unit tests to work in Eclipse I added the Groovy nature to the project, added the folder src/test/groovy under Configure Build Path... and set the output folder to target/test-classes.
This works until I do an update of the project configuration under Maven -> Update Project Configuration.... After I do this every time the directory src/test/groovy gets removed from the source folders in Eclipse and I have to add it again and set the output directory.
Is there something I am missing or why is Eclipse deleting my source folder configuration every time I do an update of the project configuration?
My GMaven configuration looks as follows: