I am trying to share different type of images using UIActivityViewController
to facebook messenger. I am facing no problem while sharing the images (.png), but I am not able to send gif images (.gif), it is giving error "Couldn't load content".
I am converting the image to data & then sending the data in array through UIActivityViewController.
Here, I am firing a notification with the details & extracting the gif path & then processing it.
NSDictionary *dictAsset = [notification userInfo];
NSData *imageData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:dictAsset[@"path"]];
NSArray *imageToShare = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: imageData, [dictAsset objectForKey:@"assetName"], nil];
NSArray *arrAsset = imageToShare;
UIActivityViewController *activityVC = [[UIActivityViewController alloc] initWithActivityItems:arrAsset applicationActivities:nil];
Has anyone faced same issue? or if anyone has a solution then please help me out.