I have this data in a Google DataTable:
I need to merge rows that have the same date. So the result would be:
Is there a build in method in the DataTable to achieve this or can somebody give me a hint how to do this without the need of typical iterating through the table and comparing on each row.
HERE IS jsfiddle link what I am trying now.
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.google.com/jsapi"></script>
<div id="table_div"></div>
google.load("visualization", "1.1", {
packages: ["table"]
function drawTable() {
var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
data.addColumn('string', 'Date');
data.addColumn('string', 'Project');
data.addColumn('string', 'System');
data.addColumn('number', 'No');
['7/31/2014', 'project1', 'system1', 5],
['5/2/2014', 'project2', 'system2', 2],
['5/2/2014', 'project1', 'system1', 5],
['1/31/2014', 'project3', 'system4', 1]
var view = new google.visualization.DataView(data);
var id = document.getElementById('table_div');
var table = new google.visualization.Table(id);
table.draw(view, {
allowHtml: true,
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
page: 'enable',
pageSize: 10
data.addRows([ ['7/31/2014', 'project1', 'system1', 5], ['5/2/2014', 'project2', 'system2', 2], ['5/2/2014', 'project1', 'system1', 5], ['5/2/2014', 'project4', 'system4', 4], ['5/2/2014', 'project3', 'system4', 5], ['1/31/2014', 'project3', 'system4', 1], ['1/31/2014', 'project4', 'system4', 2] ]);
It returns 2 rows of 5/2/2014 date, but it should be 1 row. where rowspan would be 4 for this. @Plashy – Alamein