I have a set of functions named "ip", "date", "url" etc.
With these, I want to generate another set of functions "ip-is", "date-is" etc.
I finally have the following solution, thats working fine, but that uses "eval".
(loop for name in '(ip date url code bytes referer user-agent) do
(let ((c-name (intern (concatenate 'string (symbol-name name) "-IS"))))
(eval `(defun ,c-name (c)
#'(lambda (l) (equal (,name l) c))))))
Can someone help me, how to get rid of the "evil eval"? It is essential for my program that the function names are provided as a list. So a call to some marcro
(define-predicate ip)
(define-predicate date)
(define-predicate url)
would not fit my needs. I have no real problem with "eval", but I read very often, that eval is considered bad style and should be avoided if possible.
Thanks in Advance!
as the right choice is a very rare case. – Tuesday