I'd like to store my checked radio button in local storage so that on a page reload it will have the last checked item check on the reload.
<h3>Seconds Display:</h3>
<p id="secondsHidingText">Hiding seconds extends battery life</p>
  <input type="radio" name="seconds" value="show" checked="checked">Show  
<input type="radio" name="seconds" value="hide">Hide
This is the javascript I have:
localStorage.setItem('seconds', options.seconds);
(which runs when the save button I have is clicked)
document.getElementById('seconds').value = localStorage.getItem("seconds");
(which runs on document being loaded)
I get the following error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'value' of null
How do I store and retrieve the checked radio button to and from local storage? And if possible I'm looking for a pure JS way of accomplishing this.
. – Serpigo