I'm working on a custom implementation of a Number struct, with very different ways of storing and manipulating numeric values.
The struct is fully immutable - all fields are implemented as readonly
I'm trying to implement the ++
and --
operators, and I've run into a little confusion:
How do you perform the assignment?
Or does the platform handle this automatically, and I just need to return n + 1
public struct Number
// ...
// ... readonly fields and properties ...
// ... other implementations ...
// ...
// Empty placeholder + operator, since the actual method of addition is not important.
public static Number operator +(Number n, int value)
// Perform addition and return sum
// The Number struct is immutable, so this technically returns a new Number value.
// ERROR here: "ref and out are not valid in this context"
public static Number operator ++(ref Number n)
// ref seems to be required,
// otherwise this assignment doesn't affect the original variable?
n = n + 1;
return n;
EDIT: I think this is not a duplicate of other questions about increment and decrement operators, since this involves value-types which behave differently than classes in this context. I understand similar rules apply regarding ++
and --
, but I believe the context of this question is different enough, and nuanced enough, to stand on its own.