Ho do I stub a method used in the init method?
The related methods in my class:
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
if (self.adConfigurationType == AdConfigurationTypeDouble) {
[self configureForDoubleConfiguration];
else {
[self configureForSingleConfiguration];
return self;
- (AdConfigurationType)adConfigurationType
if (adConfigurationType == NSNotFound) {
if ((random()%2)==1) {
adConfigurationType = AdConfigurationTypeSingle;
else {
adConfigurationType = AdConfigurationTypeDouble;
return adConfigurationType;
My test:
- (void)testDoubleConfigurationLayout
id mockController = [OCMockObject mockForClass:[AdViewController class]];
AdConfigurationType type = AdConfigurationTypeDouble;
[[[mockController stub] andReturnValue:OCMOCK_VALUE(type)] adConfigurationType];
id controller = [mockController init];
STAssertNotNil([controller smallAdRight], @"Expected a value here");
STAssertNotNil([controller smallAdRight], @"Expected a value here");
STAssertNil([controller largeAd], @"Expected nil here");
My result:
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'OCMockObject[AdViewController]: unexpected method invoked: smallAdRight '
So how will I access the AdViewController in the OCMockObject?