i want to install AMQP in windows 10 with PHP 7.3 for use in symfony 4. windows not use any apache/iis/nginx and run directly by symfony.
everything ok! until, i decide to use rabbitmq in project and need amqp for it.
1. download AMQP 1.9.4 (php 7.3 compatible)
2. copy php_amqp.dll to c:\php
3. copy rabbitmq.4.dll (AMQP 1.9.4 compatible) to c:\windows\system32
4. add extension=php_amqp.dll > php.ini
5. php.ini extension_dir = "ext"
but i get this error:
PHP Warning:
PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'php_amqp.dll'
(tried: ext\php_amqp.dll (The specified module could not be found.),
ext\php_php_amqp.dll.dll (The specified module could not be found.)) in Unknown on line 0
i try these instruction:
1. change php.ini extension_dir to "C:\php\ext\"
2. install openssl 1.1
3. copy libeay32.dll,ssleay32.dll into "c:\windows\system32"
4. restart, restart, restart, ...
how can i solve this problem?