I'm trying to obtain the top-level state of my app using a .of()-method, similar to the Scaffold.of() function. This is the (stripped down) code:
class IApp extends StatefulWidget {
IAppState createState() => new IAppState();
static IAppState of(BuildContext context) =>
context.ancestorStateOfType(const TypeMatcher<IAppState>());
The app is started using runApp(new IApp)
This Widget creates a HomePage:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new MaterialApp(
// ommitted: some localization and theming details
home: new HomePage(),
Then, I try to access the State from the HomePage (a StatefulWidget itself):
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new Scaffold(
// ommited: some Scaffold properties such as AppBar
// runtimeType not actual goal, but just for demonstration purposes
body: new Text(IApp.of(context).runtimeType.toString()),
The strange this is, the code works when I place the code for HomePage in the same file as the IApp, but just as an extra class. However, when I place HomePage in a separate file (main.dart and homepage.dart importing each other), the return value of IApp.of(context) is null.
What causes this? And how can I fix it?