According to the official documentation, and the books I have read, services are transnational be default. however, we were getting records committed, even if we immediately throw a RuntimeException.
class MyService {
def someMethod() {
new someDomainObject().save(failOnError:true)
throw new RuntimeException("rollback!")
and calling it thusly:
class myController{
MyService myService
def someMethod() {
In the above case, after calling the controller which calls the service, then checking if the row was created by attaching to the DB using mysql workbench, the row was indeed committed and not rolled back.
So we next tried this:
class MyService {
static transactional = true
def someMethod() {
new someDomainObject().save(failOnError:true)
throw new RuntimeException("rollback!")
Same problem.
Next we tried this:
class MyService {
static transactional = true
def someMethod() {
new SomeDomainObject().save(failOnError:true)
throw new RuntimeException("rollback!")
Finally, this works. However, we dont understand why.
Note: Grails 2.4.4 using MYSQL:
development {
dataSource {
dbCreate = "create-drop"
url = "jdbc:mysql://"
username = "user"
password = "***"
Is this normal behavior?
Is @Transactional different to static tranasctional=true?
The Service classes were generated by intellij 14 using the "new groovy class" option from the Services folder in the Grails view. The "new Grails Service" option does not work for us, it just does nothing, so we have to create all groovy classes "by hand" in the right place.