I have a binary that I was able to convert to a uint64_t. It's big, so I really needed a uint64_t. I'm having trouble converting it to a char array. I can do it in a standalone project but not on Arduino
Some roadblocks that I encountered:
- I can't use sprintf ("%llu"): It's giving me a result of 0 and further googling shows that it wasn't really implemented
- I can't use itoa: Yes, itoa was working for smaller numbers, but i'm dealing with a uint64_t and it seems like it reached its limit and giving me a negative result
- I can't use String(123456789): I can use it for other types like int and long, but I can't pass in a uint64_t because it's not supported in the parameters
- I can't use long long: Searching for it only gives me a variation on uint64_t (eg. use sprintf)
- I'm having trouble using VC include in Visual Studio: When i go to my Project Properties > Configuration Properties > C/C++ > General > Additional Include Drectories and add in the path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\include\" Visual Studio deletes it.
Any input is greatly appreciated.