Top-posted (sorry) answer, for those who don't have time to get into it but may have similar problems.
Rule #1, as always, move as much as you can out of loops.
2, moving TField var := ADODataSet.FieldByname() out of the loop
3, ADODataSet.DisableControls(); and ADODataSet.EnableControls(); around the loop
4, stringGrid.Rows[r].BeginUpdate() and EndUpdate() on each row (cannot do on teh whle control)
each of these shaved off a few seconds, but I got it down to "faster than the eye can see" by changing
stringGrid.RowCount := stringGrid.RowCount + 1;
end loop
to putting stringGrid.RowCount := ADODataSet.RecordCount;
before the loop
+1 and heartfelt thanks to all who helped.
(now I will go and see what I can do to optimize drawing a TChart, which is also slow ;-)
with about 3,600 rows in the table this takes 45 seconds to populate the string grid. What am I doing wrong?
ADODataSet := TADODataSet.Create(Nil); ADODataSet.Connection := AdoConnection; ADODataSet.CommandText := 'SELECT * FROM measurements'; ADODataSet.CommandType := cmdText; ADODataSet.Open(); while not ADODataSet.eof do begin TestRunDataStringGrid.RowCount := TestRunDataStringGrid.RowCount + 1; measurementDateTime := UnixToDateTime(ADODataSet.FieldByname('time_stamp').AsInteger); DoSQlCommandWithResultSet('SELECT * FROM start_time_stamp', AdoConnection, resultSet); startDateTime := UnixToDateTime(StrToInt64(resultSet.Strings[0])); elapsedTime := measurementDateTime - startDateTime; TestRunDataStringGrid.Cells[0, Pred(TestRunDataStringGrid.RowCount)] := FormatDateTime('hh:mm:ss', elapsedTime); TestRunDataStringGrid.Cells[1, Pred(TestRunDataStringGrid.RowCount)] := FloatToStrWithPrecision(ADODataSet.FieldByname('inputTemperature').AsFloat); TestRunDataStringGrid.Cells[2, Pred(TestRunDataStringGrid.RowCount)] := FloatToStrWithPrecision(ADODataSet.FieldByname('outputTemperature').AsFloat); TestRunDataStringGrid.Cells[3, Pred(TestRunDataStringGrid.RowCount)] := FloatToStrWithPrecision(ADODataSet.FieldByname('flowRate').AsFloat); TestRunDataStringGrid.Cells[4, Pred(TestRunDataStringGrid.RowCount)] := FloatToStrWithPrecision(ADODataSet.FieldByname('waterPressure').AsFloat * convert); TestRunDataStringGrid.Cells[5, Pred(TestRunDataStringGrid.RowCount)] := FloatToStrWithPrecision(ADODataSet.FieldByname('waterLevel').AsFloat); TestRunDataStringGrid.Cells[6, Pred(TestRunDataStringGrid.RowCount)] := FloatToStrWithPrecision(ADODataSet.FieldByname('cod').AsFloat); ADODataSet.Next; end; ADODataSet.Close(); ADODataSet.Free();
Function DoSQlCommandWithResultSet(const command : String; AdoConnection : TADOConnection; resultSet : TStringList): Boolean; var i : Integer; AdoQuery : TADOQuery; begin Result := True; resultSet.Clear(); AdoQuery := TADOQuery.Create(nil); try AdoQuery.Connection := AdoConnection; AdoQuery.SQL.Add(command); AdoQuery.Open(); i := 0; while not AdoQuery.eof do begin resultSet.Add(ADOQuery.Fields[i].Value); i := i + 1; AdoQuery.Next; end; finally AdoQuery.Close(); AdoQuery.Free(); end; end;
select * from time_stamp
should return; maybe it's a zillion rows? – Queen