The question is based on the discussion here. This is the setup:
implicit def CToC2(obj: C1): C2 = {
new C2()
class C1() {
def f[U](f: (Int, Int) => U): U = f(1, 1)
class C2() {
def f[U](f: ((Int, Int)) => U): U = f(2, 2)
I'd expect that trying to call the function with a signature that exists in C2
, scala would use the implicit conversion to satisfy the call:
val c1 = new C1()
val ff: ((Int, Int)) => Unit = t => println(t._1 + t._2)
But this fails:
scala> c1.f(ff)
Error:(16, 7) type mismatch;
found : ((Int, Int)) => Unit
required: (Int, Int) => ?
Interestingly if I drop the type parameter from C1
, it works fine:
class C1() {
def f(f: (Int, Int) => Unit): Unit = f(1, 1)
def f[U](f: (Int, Int) => Unit): Unit = f(1, 1)
doesn't compile too. – Goltzdef f[U](f: Int): Unit = ???
anddef f(f: String): Unit = ???
– Ideography