I have video encoded in mpeg-dash(*.mpd, init segments, video segments) Task is to replace one of video segments with segment generated by me. And so video is still can be played.
I read properties of one segment(combining init segment and video segment) using
1) I have tried to use dash muxer to generate new segment.
avformat_alloc_output_context2(&avFormatContext, NULL, "dash", filename)
But the problem is it creates mpd manifest, and other segments. So how to force it to create one segment?
2) When I parsed segment I noticed that it had format "QuickTime / MOV".
avformat_alloc_output_context2(&avFormatContext, NULL, "mov", filename);
So my another idea was to use "mov" encoder. And set properties same as in initial segment(start time, duration, resolution). But here the question is how to remove init header? Because I already have init segment.
Are there any other approaches to generate one mpeg-dash segment and how to solve my problems?