I'm automating filling out a Google Sheet with data taken from CSV. For the automation, I want to be able to use .find()
to locate a specific cell value that is used as a reference for where to start updating cells. To better explain:
My code uses .find('Cafe Crepe')
to locate the rows and columns belonging to the restaurant 'Cafe Crepe'. In the sheet there are multiple restaurants with the same format for orders, sub total, etc. beneath.
def matchAndWriteFinalCSV(self, sheet, restaurant):
Match orders from Ecwid csv to restaurant in Delivery csv
Write to Final csv
print("WRITE START")
cell = sheet.find(f"{restaurant}")
filtered_list = []
print("WRITE SHEET")
print(f"ROW {cell.row} COL {cell.col} CELL {cell}")
sheet.update('R5', "TEST")
To illustrate what the result should be:
I decided to go for creating a list of dictionaries of orders(order num, sub total, tx, etc). Using a for
loop, I divide the task of writing/updating the google sheet by restaurant. In the example for this question: my code takes all orders belonging to 'Cafe Crepe' and initates to write/update the order #, sub total, tax, etc. fields.
for restaurant_name, restaurant_orders in orders_per_restaurant.items():
new_row = 5
for order in restaurant_orders:
restaurant = restaurant_name
cell = sheet.find(f"{restaurant}")
print(f"ROW {cell.row} COL {cell.col} CELL {cell}")
subtotal = cell.col + 1
tax = cell.col + 2
new_cellrow = cell.row + new_row
write_cell_start = f"R{str(new_cellrow)}C{str(cell.col)}"
write_subtotal = f"R{str(new_cellrow)}C{str(subtotal)}"
sheet.update(write_cell_start, order['order'])
sheet.update(write_subtotal, order['sub-total'])
new_row += 1
new_row = 5
This works but now I can't get this code to run beyond a certain point without getting "Quota exceeded for quota metric 'Write requests' and limit 'Write requests per minute per user' of service 'sheets.googleapis.com'
. I'm trying to understand how I can achieve the same thing with batch_update()
. How can I work around exceeding the request per minute rate in my code?
I want to be able to .find() to find the restaurant cell and start updating in the cell highlighted blue in the example above. How can I use cell = sheet.find(f"{restaurant}") as a reference to start updating the cells 5 rows below?
, I cannot understand about your goal. I apologize for my poor English skill. Can I ask you about the detail of your goal? If you can do, can you provide the sample input and output situation you expect? – Chapfallensheet.update
and write the order num, sub-total, tax etc under the restaurant name cell. So by using.find()
I get, for example,ROW 2 COL 28 CELL <Cell R2C28 'Cafe Crepe'>
. I can't figure out how to use this to then start updating the cells for order num, sub-total, etc below the restaurant name cell that is located using.find()
. Maybe this helps clear up what I'm trying to do. – Oakland.find()
to locate the the fields for that particular restaurant (in this case Cafe Crepe). – Oakland