Anyone know of function that can break text at word boundaries to fit into rectangle
Following is code for rectangle and text
window.onload = function () {
var outsideRectX1=30, outsideRectY1=30,outsideRectX2=220, outsideRectY2=480, outsideRectR=10;
var group = paper.set();
var rect1=paper.rect(outsideRectX1+40, outsideRectY1+70, 80, 40,10);
var text3=paper.text(outsideRectX1+75, outsideRectY1+85,"Test code for wrap text").attr({fill: '#000000', 'font-family':'calibri', 'font-size':'14px'});
When text is greater than rectangle width it automatically wrap so that it always display into rectangle boundaries.